Spell Bent will be a successful series and will connect with audiences. Here are some reasons why: diversity; LGBTQ+; female empowerment and a wicked storyline!
As we all know, Television is not the same as it was years ago. The medium has evolved to a point where now BIPOC not only have a voice, they also have the opportunity to be the protagonist.
The great thing about Spell Bent is that it doesn’t just have “token” diverse characters. In fact, there is a diverse cast of characters, each with very unique personalities. BIPOC want to see authentic representation when they watch a Television Show and often, they do not. They want to see themselves on the screen in a non-stereotypical way and to be able to connect with a character that resembles their own origins. I know I do. The best way to turn that into a reality is to include all complexions on our show. Not only will it increase representation, but it will attract a diverse and broader audience.
Spell Bent portrays LGBTQ+ characters authentically. It is time to break society’s preconceived notions about the LGBTQ+ community. What better way to do so than on our Canadian show? Halley Highcroft is a black Canadian healer who happens to be a Lesbian. I adore the fact that her sexuality does not define who she is. It is a part of her, but not the whole picture. I also very much enjoy that in the Spell Bent story world she is comfortable with her sexuality and that she does not suffer for being Queer. When the public discovers Halley Highcroft, they will see a strong, powerful, black woman who struggles with danger, dark secrets and forbidden love. She truly was born strange. Strange, but full of life, love and power. Despite the rule that witches are not allowed to have a romantic relationship with Voids, Halley Highcroft does not let it stop her from loving who she desires. She is not easily influenced and I respect that.

Over the years, I have watched lots of TV. Aside from simply being entertained, it was a way to get a better idea of where I see myself within this industry, and to learn what makes a TV Series last. I’ve often noticed that female characters are typically created to cater to the men, or they are created inferior to men. When young girls watch this kind of TV it can alter their idea of what they are supposed to be or where they fit in society. When young boys watch, it can definitely alter their concept of women. Men and Women need each other in order to succeed. We are equals. I appreciate the fact that women are the driving force of this series and that they live in a world where there aren’t gender bias’s between men and women. The only disadvantage regarding physical strength between character types in Spell Bent are that the Voids (humans) do not have magical powers like the witches. Halley Highcroft lives in a world where women are independent, strong and intelligent.
The storyline itself is astonishing. It is great to have Diversity, LGBTQ+ and Female Empowerment but Jamie Hart has found a way to introduce multiple story arcs and conflicts within the magical world she has created. The battle between the Witches and Carnifex has a juicy plot twist. Not everything is what it seems, and I know that once the audience discovers the true reality beneath the layers, they will be shocked. I know I was when I read the episode’s outline.
Aside from having Diversity, LGBTQ+, Female Empowerment and a Wicked Storyline. The wonderful cast gets along extremely well. Everyone enjoys coming to work and gives their best performance. I am proud and honoured to be a part of a wonderful team.

Connecting with the audience:
I strongly believe that Spell Bent will connect well with an audience because it is new and rich. There aren’t any shows quite like it. Also, we have a Diverse Cast from different parts of the world
Television Series similar to Spell Bent:
- The Vampire Diaries ⭐️
- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ⭐️
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch ⭐️
- Supernatural ⭐️
- Good Witch
- Salem
- Charmed
- Shadowhunter’s
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer ⭐️
- The Originals
The Television Series with a “star” are series that are currently doing exceptionally well and have built a fan base for life. These shows broke all the rules in a profound way from the very first episode. Let’s break all the rules and bring Spell Bent to life in a truthful and meaningful way!
#GetReadyWitches #SpellBentSeries
Lory Mpiana